Our live streaming player Tikkl Stream supports events in LIVE, LIVE+REPLAY, and ON-DEMAND modes and we have our pricing models re-structured for each type of event.
- Tikkl LIVE+REPLAY - Enables Tikkl Live streaming with replay options, you have a choice of streaming RTMP live from the stage, or pre-recorded videos, or a combination of both. Replay will start once the event is over. Organizers can set the video availability and the watch period, which means once user starts replay, how long will they be allowed to finish watching.
- Tikkl LIVE - Enables Tikkl Live streaming with no replay, you have a choice of streaming RTMP live from the stage, or pre-recorded videos, or a combination of both. Once live streaming ends, user cannot view the event again.
- Tikkl ON-DEMAND - Enables Tikkl On-demand streaming with pre-recorded videos only. Organizers can set the video availability and the watch period, which means once user starts replay, how long will they be allowed to finish watching.
To select a Tikkl Stream Type for your streaming event:
- Go to Org's Admin page
- From Design Event Campaign page of your event go to the campaign's Settings tab > Hybrid/Virtual Event section
- Check the box "Virtual Event" This will set the campaign as a virtual event
- Check the box "Tikkl Stream" and select the "Tikkl Stream Type": Tikkl Live+Replay or Tikkl Live or Tikkl On-Demand to setup the video streaming mode for your event
- Please note: if your event is Hybrid, then check the box "Hybrid Event" and then check the box "Tikkl Stream" and select your option as above
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